Finding stability in unstable times: 24th November

Hosted by Charles Stanley, we will be joined by Tom DeRose of the Freud Museum London who will discuss how we find ourselves in essentially chaotic times.

How can charities, foundations and NFPs become even more effective, despite this and despite our own feelings of uncertainty? How do we find stability in unstable times?


24th November 2022 / 11:30AM
24th November 2022 / 02:00PM
Charles Stanley, 55 Bishopsgate, London EC2N 3AS

Hosted by Charles Stanley, we will be joined by Tom DeRose of the Freud Museum London who will discuss how we find ourselves in essentially chaotic times and how, socially and politically, the world seems as if it is becoming ever more fractured and polarised, creating an all-pervasive atmosphere of tension and uncertainty.

How can charities, foundations and NFPs become even more effective, despite this and despite our own feelings of uncertainty? How do we find stability in unstable times?

The discussion will then broaden to include Emma Foden-Pattinson, Investment Manager at Charles Stanley, to reflect on the topics discussed through the lens of current and changing economic and investment conditions.

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