ACO launches Support during the Squeeze campaign

ACO has launched a campaign to raise awareness of the support available from benevolent charities during the cost of living squeeze.

In response to rising bills, inflation rates and the cost of living squeeze threatening to push thousands of people and families deeper into financial hardship, ACO will be running the Support During the Squeeze campaign from April until June 2022.

Following on from our work during the Here to Help campaign in 2021, ACO will be contacting advice and referral agencies, and other organisations working closely with people in need, to remind these organisations that benevolent charities can help people struggling with rising costs.

As part of the campaign, we will be informing organisations about the different services benevolent charities can provide, and where to go to help people find support. We will also be sharing leaflets and other materials to help these organisations find their clients appropriate support.

This campaign will culminate in a social media “day of action” / awareness day in late May which we will be using to raise awareness of the different types of support benevolent charities can provide and how these charities can help people during the cost of living squeeze.

More information on how to get involved will be shared directly with ACO members in the coming weeks.