Charity News Review: February Edition

Read the latest ACO newsletter with updates from us, our members and the wider charity sector.


We were delighted to launch our first Salary Benchmarking and Working Patterns Report last week. Thanks once again to all our member contributors – the data revealed not only some fascinating insights into pay awards, remuneration levels and employee benefits but also the impact of Covid-19 on working patterns across the ACO network. For a copy of the report visit here.

Ahead of the Spring Budget in March, ACO are signatories to a submission to the Chancellor by the Civil Society Group (comprising national charity infrastructure bodies including ACO) and Charity Finance Group focusing around four key policy areas. These include an “Essentials Guarantee” that ensures Universal Credit levels should prevents people from going without essentials; ensuring that contracts and grants from public bodies meet the true costs of delivering services; extending funding to Levelling Up funds, including the Shared Prosperity Fund, and streamlining and reviewing charity tax and compliance. These policy priorities will also no doubt form part of the ongoing conversation between the charity sector and the major parties ahead of the impending election later this year – interesting times ahead!


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